DropCite has reimagined open science communication and collaborations to focus on improving and accelerating discussion and innovation around emerging research and technology.

researchXchangeTM  online newsletters curate topic-specific selections from the most recent unpublished research with summaries providing the opportunity to discuss those studies in collaboration with colleagues globally through inline annotations.

As a cutting edge research feed, researchXchangeTM

  • Provides curated, annotated feed of the latest open science
  • Connects expert communities for collaborative discussion on emerging research
  • Improves evaluation and accelerates the pace of innovation

Open science is key to advancing evidence-based research, discovery and innovation across all disciplines, and it is critical to fully engage the early career researcher community in the process.  DropCite's model for sharing research was designed with this in mind.  With researchXchange, there is no need to wait for the next conference or annual meeting.  Join the conversation today from your desktop or mobile device!

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